tibe2 rase sgt best and enjoy lak arinih...
nape ek???hehehe
sebab...arinih dpt semangat baru ! hoye!!!!
dari sape ek...???? heee~
tapi nk citer dulu la ape yg jadi mgu nih...
actually semenjak dua menjak nih asyik tensen and down je..
yela..bile doc tnye soklan..asik xpat jwb je...if dpt jwb pon...xdpt full mark kotttt...
haiisshhh...terok btol prangai...~
start dari 1st day of this week ag dh tensen cos the next day tu is our bedside teaching..
doc nk wat ala2 exam short case la..
so 2 students which including me were required to perform physical examination on patients ( kitorg xtau pon case ape...mmg on the spot ar wat bnda tuh )
fuuhhh mlm before nk 'exam' tuh..mmg bermatian la stdy smpai otak pon jam cos ngntok sgt..hahaha..
so nk di pendekkn citer, dh abeh exam tu doc komen ar mcm2 tntg ktorg nih...and antara komen2 tu ialah our physical examination esp cardiovascular was quite good and we deserve to get about 7-8/10 marks...hahaha okeyla tu kan...tp bab discussion je yg hampeh ckit..hihi~
then on thursday lak, ada kelas tutorial ECG...
dpt lak kelas dgn doc yg agak tegas so mmg terkena la sume org mase tuh...
sorg2 die panggil pegi depan and tanya soklan..ala2 viva gtuh~cuak!
and then when my turns came,,,dup dap dup dap..
die tnya ar soklan simple je pon...have u heard about p mitrale and p pulmonale????..
ok so sy pon explain la bla..bla..bla...
then die suh lukis plak kat whiteboard!
hahaha ...mse ni mmg kantoi ar cos lukisan normal p wave lebih kurg same je dgn abnormal p wave..hahaha...adoyai..dh kne sebijik kat depan tuh!
next tutorial was heart sounds..heeee
this time i had improve...that was what doc said to me..hahaha eh bkn nk bga okey...tp br cam smgt ckitla after dh kena hentam mse kelas ECG tadi..hahah
ala doc ckp improve cos i can answer his question about systolic murmur and draw it on the whiteboard correctly...^_^
and for today...
mase mule2 bgn tido nth nape mls giler nk p kelas....dh bgn p smbg tido blk padahal ada CCU round and clinic dgn our dean,Prof Dato Dr Khalid Yusoff kol 8 am
tp paksekan la diri gak pegi kelas...
ish2...naseb bek xponteng! cos arinih mmg best giler ar blja dgn prof
before this pon mmg kelas dgn prof sgt2 bes
mase CCU round tadi...ada dlm 3-4 patient je...
and i got 2 chances to intepret the patient's ECG !!! yeay!
prof bg that chances to me...i like it so much~
i like when prof ask me question and interpret the ecg...
i love when we have a class with him
and prof sgt2la baik and suke melawak bile mengajar kami...
and kami pon sgt2 la suke blja dgn prof
mase ward round tadi pon mmg best...blja byk bnda...and everything must have 5 reasons..hehe that is what he always said to us...
tadi he ask one of the HO about what are the definition of internal medicine??
but the HO couldn't define it and prof told us that internal medicine is everything under the sun and the moon...wow! hahaha...so broad..so huge...so much to think about...heee..
we all laugh when he gave that answer but he make us think bout it...
k la tu je kot nk citer....next week dh exm..so doakan sy ye!
p.s : semangat+tabah+cekal pntg utk troskan hidup dlm medicine nih..huuu~
nape ek???hehehe
sebab...arinih dpt semangat baru ! hoye!!!!
dari sape ek...???? heee~
tapi nk citer dulu la ape yg jadi mgu nih...
actually semenjak dua menjak nih asyik tensen and down je..
yela..bile doc tnye soklan..asik xpat jwb je...if dpt jwb pon...xdpt full mark kotttt...
haiisshhh...terok btol prangai...~
start dari 1st day of this week ag dh tensen cos the next day tu is our bedside teaching..
doc nk wat ala2 exam short case la..
so 2 students which including me were required to perform physical examination on patients ( kitorg xtau pon case ape...mmg on the spot ar wat bnda tuh )
fuuhhh mlm before nk 'exam' tuh..mmg bermatian la stdy smpai otak pon jam cos ngntok sgt..hahaha..
so nk di pendekkn citer, dh abeh exam tu doc komen ar mcm2 tntg ktorg nih...and antara komen2 tu ialah our physical examination esp cardiovascular was quite good and we deserve to get about 7-8/10 marks...hahaha okeyla tu kan...tp bab discussion je yg hampeh ckit..hihi~
then on thursday lak, ada kelas tutorial ECG...
dpt lak kelas dgn doc yg agak tegas so mmg terkena la sume org mase tuh...
sorg2 die panggil pegi depan and tanya soklan..ala2 viva gtuh~cuak!
and then when my turns came,,,dup dap dup dap..
die tnya ar soklan simple je pon...have u heard about p mitrale and p pulmonale????..
ok so sy pon explain la bla..bla..bla...
then die suh lukis plak kat whiteboard!
hahaha ...mse ni mmg kantoi ar cos lukisan normal p wave lebih kurg same je dgn abnormal p wave..hahaha...adoyai..dh kne sebijik kat depan tuh!
next tutorial was heart sounds..heeee
this time i had improve...that was what doc said to me..hahaha eh bkn nk bga okey...tp br cam smgt ckitla after dh kena hentam mse kelas ECG tadi..hahah
ala doc ckp improve cos i can answer his question about systolic murmur and draw it on the whiteboard correctly...^_^
and for today...
mase mule2 bgn tido nth nape mls giler nk p kelas....dh bgn p smbg tido blk padahal ada CCU round and clinic dgn our dean,Prof Dato Dr Khalid Yusoff kol 8 am
tp paksekan la diri gak pegi kelas...
ish2...naseb bek xponteng! cos arinih mmg best giler ar blja dgn prof
before this pon mmg kelas dgn prof sgt2 bes
mase CCU round tadi...ada dlm 3-4 patient je...
and i got 2 chances to intepret the patient's ECG !!! yeay!
prof bg that chances to me...i like it so much~
i like when prof ask me question and interpret the ecg...
i love when we have a class with him
and prof sgt2la baik and suke melawak bile mengajar kami...
and kami pon sgt2 la suke blja dgn prof
mase ward round tadi pon mmg best...blja byk bnda...and everything must have 5 reasons..hehe that is what he always said to us...
tadi he ask one of the HO about what are the definition of internal medicine??
but the HO couldn't define it and prof told us that internal medicine is everything under the sun and the moon...wow! hahaha...so broad..so huge...so much to think about...heee..
we all laugh when he gave that answer but he make us think bout it...
k la tu je kot nk citer....next week dh exm..so doakan sy ye!
p.s : semangat+tabah+cekal pntg utk troskan hidup dlm medicine nih..huuu~
Semoga Kamu Berjaya Dalam Exam Dan Sehat2 Selalu Tau :)
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Warna Baju Raya Tahun 2010
thnx (^_^)