love chapter

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 2, 2010

wE'Re BaCk !!! 5 famous ^_^

salam..!!! wawawa...semangatnye kan nak update blog lagi nih..heheh
this time i wanna share story la...ala bukan story sgt pon..nak habaq mai la kat hampa sume yg i was very2 hepi since dh lame sgt xjupe kwn2 sek ren...! yeayyyyyy! that's y la tajok kali ni we are back! hehe...

actually mase sek ren dolu2..we had a group named 5 FaMoUs jr. ...cewahhhh famous sgt ke ktorg nih??? keh3...nape 5??? sebab kitorg ade 5 orang la! hahah... dolu mase sekolah , kitorg sume ni pengawas sekolah...then masing2 ade kakak angkat yg kebetulan kakak2 ktorg tu 1 group ( 5 famous gak..hihihi..)
then bile dorg dh naik sek menengah, so kami la yg jadi 5 famous jr. ^_^

after we finished standard 6, we lost contact for about 10 years.. masing2 sek dh lain2 and bawa haluan masing2...but we never forget each other..and thats y last week we had a chance to met at kak diba's open house@ukay perdana with our kakak2 sume for the 1st time! but one of us didn't came..n we've tried to find her but not found...sob3...

ok let me introduce u ols to 5 famous jr members ... hehe

from left me , marina( graduated from utm) , fathiah (still studying in uitm ), sofia ( graduated from lim kok wing university)

ish tgn aku tu nape??? macam nak buat VE je ..hahaha

kak shafira ( sis yg cute n sangat suke ckp tak henti2..hehe) die ni dulu penolong ketua pengawas mase sekolah

bergambo dengan senior2 sekolah..heheh ktorg berempat je junior yg di jemput dtg rumah kak dibah

never forget this moment


  1. Wah, best gile umie dpt jmpe ngan kwn2 sek ren..
    Kite smpi skrg tgh dok cr jejak kwn2 sek ren yg lame dh lost contact tau!! "-_-

  2. hehehe kt pon lame gak cr dorg nih then br jupe... truskan usaha nisa' cr kwn2! hehe chayok!

  3. best kan dapat jumpa macam ai tuh..moga lepas ni kita semua stil akan contact each other~


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers