love chapter

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 4, 2010

nAsI tOmAtO + tEmPe

(gambar hiasan yg di cilok dari blog seseorg semasa sedang mencari pic nasi tomato utk dimuatkan ke dlm blog neyh..hehehe..)

OH nasi tomato !!!
i love ya so much!

this is my most favorite food for break fast..^_^
almost everyday i will buy it ( yela nk masak xreti..h0h0h0) at bazar
xjemu langsung even makan nasi ni tiap2 hari...hahaha
xtau ar nape mayb sebab nasi ni mmg sedap and mayb xtau pk nk mkn ape selain nasi tomato..
eh tp nasi kerabu pon sedap tgk org gak la...
if org tu wat sedap, maka sedaplah nasi kerabu tuh...heeee

tringt lak mase kecik2 dulo..
ad gak prangai gnih yg suke mkn bnda same everyday..heee~
do u wanna know what it is???

it's T E M P E
my favorite gak neyh..esp tempe sambal ! omg! love it !
sedap tau tempe..even now pon mmg xtgl mkn tempe ni
tp tu pon klu jpe ar tempe ni kat kedai2
dulo my mom salu ckp " nk kate family kite org jawa...bkn ad gak anak mama yg ekot mkn mknn jawa nih" hehehe...
im still remember how this tempe is first introduced to me
it was my fren who is a sarawakian...her name is dayangku norhayati bt awangku tuah
she told me that this tempe is delicious and i always came to her house just to eat this tempe..hehehe

oh sedapnyer tempe jika di makan dengan nasi tomato~
(ish2..bulan2 pose nih ckp sal mknn lak..hiiii~)
hepi ramadhan everyone!
we just have a few days in ramadhan before raye...isk3


  1. ohhhhh~
    baru pkul 12..dah tertengok makanan nie!!
    lapoo dah~heee

  2. heheheeee~ sabo yer...lagi bape jam je nk bukak pose...hahahaa


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers